Friday, August 20, 2010

European Hornet Nest with founding Queen in center!

Bees build and tend their own nests without help from other members of the species.   Bees may be seen nesting in the stems of plants, in holes in stone or wood, or in the ground.  Solitary bees are often overlooked and rarely sting people.  Other bees, including the honey bee and bumble bees, are social–living in nests or hives built communally by a colony.  Social bees sting, but usually only in defense of their nest.  Honey bees are not native to North America
Types of bees
?Bumble bees Larger than a honey bee, yellow and black in color, these are our only native social bees. They nest in the ground and will sting.
Bumble bees are social insects. Nests are usually constructed underground, and consist of a series of more-or-less spherical, waxen cells–some of which hold the eggs and young. Some of the cells also serve as storage receptacles for honey and pollen. Nesting sites may be depressions in the ground, deserted mouse nests, hollow logs, cavities in rotten stumps, railroad tie retaining walls, or even piles of grass, weeds or rubbish. Bumblebee colonies are smaller than those of honey bees or yellowjacket wasps, and usually consist of only a few hundred individuals. Colony sizes increase throughout the summer. With the advent of cool weather most bees die, with only one or a few queens surviving the winter in sheltered locations.
Bumble bees can become pests when their nests are built near humans. Though not as likely to attack people as other social insects, like yellowjacket wasps, bumble bees can and will sting. In addition, unlike honey bees, bumble bees can sting repeatedly. Stings are most likely when a nest is disturbed. Bumble bees rarely sting if they are merely disturbed during pollen gathering visits to flowers.
Carpenter bees Similar in appearance to bumble bees, but hairless on the top of the abdomen, carpenter bees are known for the round holes they chew in wood to make their nests.
Carpenter bees are similar in appearance to bumble bees, but lack hairs on the top surface of the last body segment (abdomen).  Carpenter bees are not social insects and do not sting to defend their nests.  Their nesting activities, however, can damage wooden decks, patios and other structures due to their habit of boring nest holes in soft wood.
Honey bees – Control in and around homes  Honey bees can become pests when they nest in or around homes.  Control involves nest removal.
Honey bee swarms and their control One of the most interesting honey bee behaviors, swarms elicit both fear and fascination. This publication explains when bee swarms should be left alone, and what to do when they cannot.
Wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets can become a problem if they are found near humans and domestic animals. These insects may nest around homes, in commercial buildings, farm structures and equipment, in parks and in other areas where people live, work, and play.
yellowjackets, accounting for the overwhelming wasp majority of stinging incidents in the state of washington . These are all in the genus Vespula and the most noxious species is the western yellowjacket. Yellowjackets produce a paper nest but the site of the nest is concealed, in an abandoned rodent nest below ground, behind an exterior wall, in hollows of children’s playground equipment, etc. Yellowjackets have diverse tastes. Although they feed on some insects, they readily scavenge sweets and protein-rich foods. They can be serous nuisance problems around uncovered garbage and at outdoor dining areas in late summer.
yellow jackets are ground-nesters. Their colonies can be found under porches or steps, in sidewalk cracks, around railroad ties or at the base of trees. Sometimes the queen uses a wall void of a building as a nesting place. Some yellow jackets build aerial nests in bushes or low-hanging branches or in the corners of buildings and other manmade structures.
Perhaps more commonly observed, but far less commonly involved in sting incidents are the "hornets". These make paper enclosed nests in trees, shrubs and under eaves that may exceed the size of a football. They are produced by members of the genus Dolichovespula. The baldfaced hornet, a large black and white wasp, is the most commonly encountered member of this group. Hornets are primarily predators of other insects, rarely visiting garbage or outdoor dining areas. Then there are "umbrella wasps". These similarly make their nest cells of a papery material, but do not enclose it with a papery envelope. Colorado species that have this habit are in the genera Polistes and Mischosyttarus. As with the hornet these have a generally beneficial habit, rearing their young on insects that they capture, but will sting when defending the hive.
Wasp species are categorized as social or solitary. As their name implies, social wasps live in colonies, which may number in the thousands. Within these colonies, female workers perform all duties within the nest. Solitary wasps live alone and therefore do not have a colony. They do lay eggs, but their eggs are left alone to hatch.
Some wasps are predatory, while others are parasitic. Predatory wasps kill and consume other insects as well as other animals which they often feed to their larvae. Parasitic wasps typically lay their eggs in the bodies of living creatures like caterpillars or spiders. The larvae feed on the still-living host. Wasps can assist in the management of other pests, particularly in agriculture as biological control agents. Many wasps also feed on nectar from flowers and therefore function as pollinators.Some wasps are aggressive species and can sting when threatened. Unlike honey bees, wasps often are capable of stinging multiple times.
Baldfaced Hornets
Baldfaced hornets are up to 3/4-inch long with black and ivory white markings on the face, thorax (middle body part) and tip of the abdomen.
The baldfaced hornet is a member of the yellowjacket family. They are aggressive and will attack anything (or anyone) that invades their space. They can sting repeatedly and their sting is very painful.
Baldfaced hornets build paper-like nests, which are grayish-brown, inverted, pear-shaped, and up to three feet tall with the nest entrance at the bottom. Each nest consists of a number of horizontal layers, stories or "tiers" of circular combs, one below the other completely enclosed by a paper-like envelope as a covering. Also, the cells are not exposed to view. Nest are built hanging from trees, bushes, vegetation and occasionally buildings.

Hornets and Wasps,How to Kill Wasps,Paper Wasps,Killing Wasps,Wasps Nest Removal

Saturday, July 24, 2010

pests Become More Pesticide Resistant

The Search for Food
•No matter what kind of ants have invaded your home, it is likely that a quest for food brought them there. Ants live in families made up of a queen (usually one, but sometimes more), some males to assist with reproduction, and multitudes of sterile females who are the workers of the colonies. It is the job of the workers to go out and find food and return it to the nest. When an ant locates a food source, she leaves a chemical trail behind as she makes her way back to the nest. This trail allows other worker ants to find the food source and help carry back the food. As long as the food source is available, the ants will continue to forage for food there. Meanwhile, the well-nourished queen continues to lay eggs and the family increases in size.
•While nearly all ants enter the home to find food, some return the food to nests outdoors, while others actually build their nests inside. These ants typically burrow into wet or decaying wood and make their colonies there. In this scenario, it is not enough to simply block access to your house as the ants are already inside. They will likely remain inside as long as there continues to be a food source. Additionally, unless you kill the queen, the ants will continue to increase in number.
Factors That Contribute to an Ant Infestation
•It does not take much to lure an ant indoors but there are a few things that seem to be especially enticing to worker ants. First and most obvious, keep food sealed and put away at all times. An open container or even crumbs on a counter serve as invitations to an ant. Next, seal any visible cracks or openings in your home. These may be found around windows and doorways, behind baseboards, and underneath light fixtures. Finally, be aware of any leaks that may cause water to saturate wood in your home. Wet and decaying wood are appealing to some ants.
Eliminating an Ant Infestation
•Ant infestations are a nuisance and are often difficult to eliminate. A combination of pest control methods may be employed for best results. If you have ants that are nesting in your home, it is important that you locate the nest and destroy it. This ensures that you kill any queens, effectively stopping future growth of the ant colony. If the ants in your home reside outdoors, ant bait should be used both inside and outside the house. Worker ants carry the bait back to the nest where it poisons the colony. It is also important to thoroughly clean the point of entry so as to remove any trace of the chemical trail left behind by worker ants.   425 440 0966